Breasts may lose elasticity and sag over time because of age, pregnancy and weight changes.

Breast lift, or mastopexy, is surgery to lift, reshape and tighten them. It can also improve asymmetry and other imperfections. Breast lift can be combined with breast augmentation or reduction.

A breast lift, also called mastopexy, is surgery to change the shape and appearance of your breasts. During mastopexy, a plastic surgeon can:

  •     Lift your breast higher on your chest.
  •     Make your breasts more symmetrical or identical to each other.
  •     Reduce the size of your areola (darkened area around the nipple) and make it face forward rather than downward.
  •     Remove extra skin that may have stretched over time.
  •     Reshape your breast to a more rounded appearance.
  •     Tighten your breast tissue to better support your nipples and areolas.


Why do people get breast lift surgery?

As we age, our breasts change. They may lose elasticity, causing your breasts to stretch, sag or droop. Causes include:

    Breastfeeding (chestfeeding).
    Genetics, or sagging breasts “run in the family.”
    Significant weight loss.

Mastopexy can make your breasts look firmer and more youthful. A breast lift can also correct perceived imperfections, such as:

    Areolas that face downward.
    Nipples that point in different directions.
    Uneven or asymmetrical breasts.




Will a breast lift procedure change the size of my breasts?

A breast lift alone won’t change the size of your breasts. But the procedure is often combined with other surgeries to make them larger or smaller. If you want to increase breast size, consider breast augmentation (implants). For smaller breasts, consider breast reduction.

What does a breast lift incision look like?

Your surgeon will recommend the type of incision for you based on:

    Breast size and shape.
    How elastic or stretched your skin is, and how much extra skin you have.
    How much your breasts sag.
    Areola size and placement.

Incision types include:

Crescent: This incision is a half-circle along the top half of your areola. It’s usually only used for breast augmentation in women who have little sagging.

Donut: This common incision circles your entire areola.

Vertical or lollipop lift: This incision goes in a circle around the entire areola, then vertically down from your areola to your breast crease. This is another common incision type.

Inverted T or anchor: This incision circles your areola, then goes vertically down to your breast crease, then horizontally along your breast crease. It’s often used in people with more sagging or who are also having breast reduction.


What do breast lift scars look like?

Breast lift scars depend on the type of incision your surgeon used. Almost all mastopexy scars are hidden in the:

    Borders of your areolas.
    Breast crease.
    Natural contours of your breasts.

Yet you may see some scars on the surface of your breast. They’re permanent but fade a lot over time.


What are the advantages of mastopexy?

You will see the results of a breast lift immediately. Your breasts will look firmer, perkier and younger. Many people also report that their bras and clothes fit better.


What is breast lift recovery like?

After a breast lift, you’ll have some discomfort, swelling and bruising. Your skin may feel tight. These effects get better over time and last about two weeks.

If you had drains near the incisions, your healthcare team will remove them a few days after the procedure. Incisions may take several months to heal fully. Some surgeons prefer you to sleep on your back for a few weeks. Check with your surgeon about this.


When can I go back to work and other activities?

Your surgical team will give you personalized instructions based on your surgery and recovery. Many women go back to desk work and gentle activities such as walking about a week afterward.

You may not be cleared for vigorous activities, such as lifting things, exercising and having sex, for up to six weeks.

Usually, women can wear a regular bra about eight weeks after surgery.


How long will the results of a breast lift last?

The results of a breast list should last for several years. But your breasts will still experience the normal effects of aging over time. Pregnancy and weight changes may affect the results of mastopexy.





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