A thigh lift (thighplasty) is an invasive cosmetic surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the thigh area.

Perhaps the most common reason for a thigh lift is to help reshape and smooth the thigh area after losing weight. Some people also opt for the procedure to gain more shapeliness and to feel more comfortable wearing swimsuits, shorts, and jeans.

If you’re considering this procedure after weight loss, doctors recommend that you’re at a steady weight for at least 6 months and that you’ve already achieved your goal weight. This is because weight fluctuations can interfere with results post-thigh lift surgery.

There are two types of thigh lift procedures, medial and standard:

Medial thigh lift is a surgical procedure to reduce excess skin and fat on the upper portion of the inner thigh giving a firmer appearance. It is performed by removing a crescent of  skin and fat from the upper portion of the inner thigh creating a horizontal scar.
Standard thigh lift includes the removal of excess loose skin and fat to reshape, tone, and firm the upper leg; generally as a result of weight loss. The scar in this procedure is oriented both vertically and horizontally.


Below are the different types of thigh lifts to consider.

Inner (medial) thigh lift

A medial thigh lift is the most common form of this cosmetic surgery. It addresses sagging skin in your inner thighs via an incision from your groin down toward your knee or toward the back of your thigh area.

Mini thigh lift

Depending on your individual needs, your surgeon may determine that you qualify for a mini thigh lift. This procedure requires fewer incisions than other types of thigh lifts, only involving an incision in your groin area. It works well if you’re wanting to focus on the upper-inner part of your thigh only.

Outer (bilateral) thigh lift

An outer thigh lift addresses the outside portions of your thighs. The procedure involves an incision that starts in you groin area, then extends outward to your hip and lower back area.

Vertical thigh lift

If you’re looking to address a lot of excess skin in all areas of your thighs, you may consider a vertical thigh lift. It requires larger incisions that extend down to your knees. However, due to a higher risk for complicationsTrusted Source, your surgeon may not recommend this type of thigh lift.

Lift with liposuction

In some cases, the thigh area may have poor skin elasticity. Your surgeon may recommend liposuction in addition to thigh lift surgery to help remove excess fat cells and prevent sagging skin.


What’s the procedure like?

Before thigh lift surgery, you’ll be instructed to stop taking medications that increase bleeding. These include aspirin, certain supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. Your surgeon may also ask for a medical evaluation to ensure you’re a good candidate for surgery.

You’ll be put under general anesthesia during the procedure. Your surgeon will make the appropriate incisions based on the type of thigh lift you’ve chosen. Then, they’ll cut out excess skin and fat cells before inserting sutures to close up your wounds.

On average, the entire procedure takes 2 hours to complete. Since you’ll also spend several hours in both pre-op and post-op, you should expect the entire process to take up most of the day.

It’s a good idea to have someone drive you to and from your operation and to stay with you overnight in case complications arise.


What’s the recovery like?

Before you go home from your operation, your surgeon will place dressings against the incisions to help ease swelling. They may also insert a tube to help drain excess blood and fluids from the area. You’ll need to make a follow-up appointment to have your surgeon remove these items.

Like other cosmetic surgeries, thigh lifts are considered major procedures and you’ll need to take time off work to recover.

You’ll likely experience pain, bruising, and swelling for a few days after the procedure. You should notice more contour to your thighs right away, but you won’t see full results for several months.

Any worsening pain or the onset of bleeding through sutures or dressings should be addressed with your doctor right away. You should also see your doctor if you experience:

    wound separation


How long before you see results?

In general, you’ll need several weeks to recover from thigh lift surgery, so you should plan your work schedule accordingly. You’ll also need to refrain from any heavy lifting and strenuous exercises for at least 6 weeks after your procedure.

You’ll want to elevate your legs as much as possible during this time, and you may be able to go outside after a few days. It’s normal for the ankles to swell as you gradually move around more.

Once healed, there may be scars from where your surgeon made incisions to remove excess skin around your thighs. However, when done by an experienced surgeon, the scars shouldn’t be very noticeable to others, especially if they’re placed in inconspicuous areas.




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