Tooth colored fillings, also called white fillings, are dental fillings that restore and mimic the natural appearance of tooth structure.


In addition to restoring teeth that have fractured or decayed, tooth colored fillings may also be used cosmetically to change the size, color and shape of teeth. This quality is particularly useful in closing gaps between teeth; repairing chipped teeth and making teeth appear to be more straight or even.


A composite filling is a treatment for a cavity. This type of filling uses a composite resin material to restore your oral health. Composite resin is a material made up of a mixture of different substances, including fine glass and plastic. This type of filling provides an alternative to traditional amalgam fillings. It is a tooth colored material that blends in with the color of your natural teeth, making it perfect for treating cavities affecting teeth near the front of your mouth.


The material does not contain any metal or mercury. Composite resin also bonds with your natural tooth structure, rather than simply filling in the cavity. Because of this, less of your natural tooth structure needs to be drilled away to place the filling.



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